Season 16 and World Matchplay Q1 Registration are OPEN!

2023 GDL World Championships Entries

Entries close in....



All full GDL members can enter

The number of places available at each MAJOR, as determined by the ‘Race to the Worlds’ order of merits are:

Platinum – 32
Gold – 48
Tungsten – 64
Silver – 64
Bronze – 48

These will be supplemented by any players that are eligible for a prelim (see OoM’s for more details)

Current ‘order of merits’ are available to view here
Rankings will be finalised upon the completion of Tour 12 and Season 11

Any player who does not qualify for a Major will be placed in to the Worlds PLATE competition for their grade.

Round deadlines will be:

L128: 14th December
L64: 18th December
L32: 21st December
L16: 2nd January
QF: 5th January
SF: 9th January
F: 12th January

Matches can be played ahead of time, but deadlines must be adhered to unless by prior consent via a support ticket


You must be logged in to register for this competition

If you believe that you entered before the deadline but are unsure, please check the list below before asking the admin team. 

You need to be a paid tour card holder with membership covering the entire tournament to be eligible to play.

Note: If you have joined the GDL and sent in your averages and payment, you can class yourself as ‘ALREADY a GDL player’ on the form above. If not, please class yourself as a new player.

More info: Check the GDL Tour Hub


Withdrawn, and no longer eligible: James Kane, Kevin Crainie, Michael Kimber, Rory Jones

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