Season 16 and World Matchplay Q1 Registration are OPEN!

Graded Darts Leagues - Championship Season 2


  • Matches are best of TWELVE, 501 straight start, double out
  • Stop playing when one player reaches seven legs, or play all twelve if it goes 6-5
  • Two matches minimum to be played by each player, each week. Four matches maximum, unless agreed by Leesy due to holidays etc.
  • Matches need to be played using Nakka/Lidarts/Any other suitable scoring site or app as agreed between the two players
  • Play on camera, using a phone, tablet, webcam etc. and show the board clearly to your oppo. DO NOT start playing until both players are happy with the view
  • ONE PLAYER must post a screenshot/picture to the league chat
  • Play every other person in the league twice over the season

Prize Money:

1st place £88
2nd place £53
3rd place £35

10% of the prize fund has been deducted for charity, leaving the above prize money. We are supporting the Stroke Association. If you would like to donate, please visit this page
